Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Intro to me, Krie!

Hola, fellow readers! The name's Krystie, but my longtime nickname is Krie. I consider myself a voracious reader. I love love LOVE to read, and have all my life. I'm grateful that my parents instilled a love of reading very early on, and that I've been able to pass this on to my 8-year-old daughter, as well. (She is currently reading "The Chronicles of Narnia", and is really enjoying it.) My husband got me a Kindle for Valentine's Day two years ago, and I use it ALL.THE.TIME. I would be devastated if anything happened to that thing.

So, what do I like to read? It depends on my mood and whatever happens to strike my fancy at the time. I recently finished an incredibly fascinating book, and I'd highly recommend it. It's "The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of Elements" by Sam Kean. Now, I should begin by telling you that I took chemistry in high school, and this class gave me my lowest grade in the entirety of my high school career (a low C, boooo). If "The Disappearing Spoon" had been around when I took chemistry my junior year (I hesitate to tell you when that was, but I suppose I will anyway...it was the 1999-2000 academic year), I might have fared better in that class. However, I am currently taking Chemistry 101 at Ivy Tech Community College, and at this point in the class, I honestly feel like I've learned more about chemistry from this book than I have from the class. To be fair, we're still pretty early in the semester, but I'd much rather learn about the role molybdenum played in World War I, or the Boy Scout in Detroit who built a nuclear reactor in his back yard in the 1990s, or why chemistry lab pranksters love gallium, than doing unit conversion problem after unit conversion problem. "The Disappearing Spoon" also delves into etymology, which is what immediately piqued my interest; seeing the longest word in the English language listed in this book was a hoot! At any rate, if this book sounds like something you would at all be interested in, please check it out. You can find it on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003JTHXZY/ref=kinw_myk_ro_title

Anyway, I'll be musing about things that I read in my American Literature II class, as well as things by American authors we don't cover in the class, on this blog. (Sam Kean grew up South Dakota, by the way.) I hope you'll join me in my reading endeavors this semester!

Peace out, readers!


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